Samina Naz
Founder of Talking Sense Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd
Hello, I am Samina Naz. Talking Sense Consultancy is a social enterprise, focusing on human rights and social causes in Pakistan.
I've been working on issues such as women's rights - including women's human rights and early marriage, education, legal empowerment of the poor, the right to fair trial, eradication of all forms of gender-based violence, gender equity/equality, child rights, mother and newborn child health and right to information for 16 years.
Talking Sense's focus areas are: promoting citizen's voices, their rights and responsibilities, strengthening institutions and using arts for social transformation.
I have designed and put in place The Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act, 2011.
My areas of expertise are:
- Grant-Making and Management
- Team Building and Management
- Partnership Management
- Project Monitoring and Impact Assessment
- Strategic Communications
- Training and Capacity Building
- Content Development and Management
- Audio-Visual Productions
- Public Relations and Media Management
- Regulatory affairs Management and Compliance
- Project Management
- Budget Planning and Management