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Spotlight on Keith Bracey - the Brummie Bard, Black Country poet & writer.

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Meet Keith Bracey.


Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Keith Bracey, a dedicated member of the Arts and Culture Network whose life's work has been a testament to the transformative power of the literary arts.

In our interview I created Keith's fantasy cultural year. Expect some surprises, anecdotes, laughter, and conversational detours.

Early Life and Education

Keith Bracey, a distinguished poet from Birmingham, has lived a life deeply intertwined with art, culture, and literature. His journey began at the University of Birmingham, where a pivotal moment in 1978, marked by his diagnosis of bipolar disorder, shaped his path.

Instead of hindering him, this challenge became a wellspring of inspiration for his poetry and creative endeavours.

Literary Contributions

Keith's literary accomplishments are exemplified by his poetry collection, "From Bearwood, and beyond." This book not only reflects his life and Birmingham heritage but also serves a philanthropic purpose, with all proceeds supporting Bipolar UK. His work resonates with personal narrative and a broader commitment to mental health advocacy.

Passion for Art and Culture

As a full member of the Arts and Culture Network, Keith's cultural interests are both broad and profound. In our interview, he shared his vision for a fantasy cultural year, which includes delving into the history of the Spanish Civil War, embracing the heavy metal music scene, and relishing the excitement of rugby matches. His love for art is particularly evident in his admiration for the Barber Institute in Birmingham and Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, "The Last Supper."

Shared Interests and Artistic Pursuits

Our engaging conversation revealed Keith's wide-ranging cultural passions, including a mutual love for Shakespeare, the enduring musical "Les Misérables," and the works of famous painters. We also discussed Birmingham's cultural landmarks, such as the Town Hall and Symphony Hall, highlighting Keith's extensive knowledge and deep appreciation for his city's rich artistic heritage.

Influence of Literature

Keith's literary journey has been profoundly influenced by J.R.R. Tolkien’s "The Hobbit," a book that left a lasting impact on him since it was read aloud by his inspirational teacher, Jean Morris Jones, when he was seven. He views Tolkien's work as an allegory of the First World War and finds personal connections to the Birmingham-inspired settings within the story.

Cultural Explorations and Musical Tastes

Keith's cultural explorations extend beyond literature. His musical tastes range from the complex compositions of Dream Theater to the powerful riffs of Black Sabbath, showcasing his diverse preferences. His fantasy trip to San Sebastian, Spain, to explore placemaking poetry and Picasso’s art reflects his ongoing commitment to broadening his cultural understanding.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

Keith's contributions to the community are multifaceted. His active participation in the Arts and Culture Network, engagement in interviews, and plans to promote cultural conversations on YouTube and LinkedIn demonstrate his dedication to fostering a vibrant cultural dialogue. His imaginative concept of inviting historical figures like William Shakespeare, James Watt, and Leonardo da Vinci to a lunch in Bilbao exemplifies his boundless curiosity and admiration for great minds.


Keith Bracey's life is a powerful example of how art and culture can shape personal and community identities. His journey, marked by significant literary achievements, cultural explorations, and a deep love for his Birmingham roots, continues to inspire and enhance the cultural fabric of his community. As he anticipates new adventures and creative projects, Keith remains a beacon of cultural appreciation and artistic excellence.


"From Bearwood and Beyond" by Keith Bracey

Keith Bracey, known affectionately as The Brummie Bard, draws profound inspiration from his upbringing and experiences in the heart of England. His poetry is deeply infused with the rich cultural tapestry of the Black Country and its dynamic neighbour, Birmingham.

Born and raised in Birmingham, Keith’s work captures the essence of these regions, reflecting their unique histories, industrial heritage, and vibrant communities.

The Black Country, with its storied past of coal mines, iron foundries, and the birth of the Industrial Revolution, provides a rugged and authentic backdrop to his verses. This area’s grit and resilience are echoed in Keith’s evocative and powerful poetic imagery.

Simultaneously, Birmingham, a city known for its innovation, diversity, and cultural richness, significantly shapes Keith’s poetic voice. The city's transformation from an industrial powerhouse to a modern, multicultural metropolis is mirrored in his work, which often explores themes of change, identity, and community.

Keith's poems are not merely reflections of his environment but are also infused with the spirit and character of the people who inhabit these places. His deep connection to Birmingham and the Black Country is evident in his vivid portrayals of local life, landmarks, and dialects, bringing to life the essence of these regions in a way that resonates with both locals and those unfamiliar with the area.

As The Brummie Bard, Keith Bracey’s poetry serves as a bridge between the past and the present, capturing the soul of the Black Country and Birmingham while celebrating their enduring legacy and ongoing evolution. His work is a testament to the enduring spirit of these communities and a tribute to the cultural richness that defines them.

You can find Keith on LinkedIn here, visit his website here, and reach him by email here.


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Mark Walmsley FRSA FCIM AGSM

Chief Culture Vulture

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