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Ekaterini Koliakou - Sensual and provocative multi-disciplinary fine artist.

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Meet Ekaterini Koliakou.

Ekaterini Koliakou - Sensual and provocative multi-disciplinary artist.

Ekaterini Koliakou is a vibrant force of nature, a whirlwind enlivening the art world with her imagination, creativity and talent.

Unique in her combination of sensuality and provocation Ekaterini sees her work as a diary. Working both figuratively, with abstraction and words she gives a sense of intimacy without fear or confession.

In various techniques from using brushes to using her hands, the painted surface shifts between articulated brush strokes to playfully primitive impulsive markings.  Her subjects are often naked to allow a sense of honesty and equality. Her work is sensual and sometimes cynical ... provocative, but gentle.

Ekaterini is a maestro of colour, and a cultural connoisseur who sees the world not just as it is, but as it could be ... wrapped in hues, rhythm, and raw emotion. With over three decades of fine art and visual expression to guide her, Ekaterini has honed a talent so versatile, it's almost as if she was born with a paint brush in one hand and a camera in the other.

Ekaterini Koliakou - Sensual and provocative multi-disciplinary artist.

Early Days and Artistic Evolution: 

Ekaterini’s artistic odyssey began in the bustling heart of Athens, Greece, where the Mediterranean light and ancient ruins no doubt sparked her creative fire.

Her first dip into art education was at Vakalo Art and Design College in 1987. She then explored the delicate contrasts of black and white photography at Focus Athens. But Athens was just the beginning.

In a move that would shape her future, Ekaterini moved to London, where she immersed herself in the world of art and design at Westminster Kingsway College.

Her thirst for knowledge and artistic mastery was unquenchable, leading her to the Aldo Galli Academy of Fine Arts in Como and the prestigious Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan. By the time she completed her studies at the Fine Art School of Athens, graduating with distinction, Ekaterini had transformed from a student of art into a creator of worlds.

Her Creative Journey: 

Ekaterini’s work is a living, breathing diary, where each brushstroke and every line of graphite tells a story.

Her art is deeply personal, yet it resonates with universal themes. Her use of bold colours and dynamic forms reflects the passionate dialogues she shares with her surroundings, whether she's exploring the serene landscapes of Greece, the bustling streets of London, or the cultural mosaics of the places she's called home.

She’s not just about creating art; she’s about creating experiences. Ekaterini’s canvases are where the figurative meets the abstract, where words become visual poetry, and where her subject - often depicted in their raw, natural form - convey honesty and equality. Her work is sensual yet satirical, provocative yet gentle. It’s this duality that makes her art so compelling, drawing viewers into her world and making them reluctant to leave.

Ekaterini Koliakou - Sensual and provocative multi-disciplinary artist.

A Global Influence 

Ekaterini’s work has not just stayed within the four walls of a gallery; it has travelled the world, just like her. From group shows in West Hollywood to solo exhibitions in Athens, her art has been embraced by audiences across Europe, the USA, and beyond.

She’s been a part of iconic art fairs in Padova, Thessaloniki, and London, and her work has adorned billboards in Los Angeles and Hyde Park Corner in London, leaving a lasting imprint on the global art scene.

Her artistic endeavours go beyond the canvas. Ekaterini has been a passionate advocate for using art to champion human rights, creating works that resonate with the vulnerable, the displaced, and the voiceless.

Whether it’s painting for refugees or creating message art that speaks to the dignity and respect of all people, Ekaterini uses her talents to build bridges where there are none, and to shine light where there is darkness.

Examples of Ekaterini's work

A Life of Artistic Pursuits: 

Ekaterini is far from done. With multiple patents, publications, and honours to her name, she continues to push the boundaries of what art can be. She’s a polyglot, fluent in English, Italian, and French, always eager to learn, to explore, and to meet new people.

Her mission? To make art accessible and enjoyable for everyone, to unite people, and to express the youthful spirit that drives her creative soul.

Ekaterini Koliakou - Sensual and provocative multi-disciplinary artist.

Her philosophy is simple yet profound: to smell the colour of the universe and type it into her paintings, creating works that are not just seen but felt.

Ekaterini Koliakou is a woman of many layers - an artist, a traveller, a dreamer, and a storyteller. Her work is a testament to the power of creativity and the endless possibilities that come with an open mind and a passionate heart.

Whether she’s in the studio, at an exhibition, Ekaterini is always searching for that next spark of inspiration, ready to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary.

You can find Ekaterini on LinkedIn here, Instagram here and you can view her website here.


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Arts & Culture Network

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Arts & Culture Network


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