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Claire Stadtmueller - Opera singer, voiceover artist, and environmental activist.

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Meet Claire Stadtmueller.

Claire Stadtmueller is a distinguished soprano, director, singer, and concept creator known for her powerful operatic voice and innovative artistic vision.

She seamlessly blends classical opera with contemporary issues, using her talents to address pressing matters such as bodily sovereignty and environmental protection.

Creating Claire’s fantasy cultural year and playing The This or That game provided many surprises and it was wonderful having a dive into her work.

Claire Stadtmueller's journey into the world of music began with her academic pursuits. She holds degrees from the New England Conservatory and the University of Rhode Island. Her vocal talent was further honed under the tutelage of international basso Dimitri Kavrakos, providing her with a strong foundation for her future career.

Her professional breakthrough came with her debut at Carnegie Hall in Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis," where her performance was highly praised by Egon Stadelman of the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung.

This success led to further engagements, including performances in Mozart's "Mass in C Minor" and "Requiem" under Maestro David Randolph, where Stadelman noted her timbre and demeanour reminiscent of Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.

Claire Stadtmueller - opera singer

Claire's career continued to ascend with notable roles such as Tosca in New York's Central Park with the New York Grand Opera under Maestro Vincent La Selva, who subsequently invited her to sing Amelia in Verdi's "Un Ballo in Maschera."

Her performances at Carnegie Hall expanded to include Handel's "Israel in Egypt," Mendelssohn's Second Symphony, Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" and "St. Matthew Passion," and Orff's "Carmina Burana."

Beyond Carnegie Hall, Claire's talent was showcased with the Richard Tucker Foundation, at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall, and on NPR's "A Prairie Home Companion" and WGBH Boston's "Classics in the Morning." She also performed scenes from Bellini's "Norma" at NYC's United Palace.

Her versatility as an opera singer is highlighted by her performances in a wide range of roles, including the title role in Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor," Pamina in Mozart's "The Magic Flute," Fiordiligi in "Cosi fan tutte," and Miss Silverpeal in "The Impresario." She has also played Rosario in Granados' "Goyescas," the Mother in Menotti's "Amahl and the Night Visitors," and the Dew Fairy in Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel." Notably, she created the leading role of Persephone in the world premiere of Geoffrey Gibbs' opera "Potnia."

As a recitalist, Claire has performed at Carnegie Hall's Weill Recital Hall, New York City's Trinity Church, for the American Wagner Society in Chicago, and on numerous concert series along the East Coast. Her solo CD, "Sweet Peace," a collection of international songs celebrating peace and lamenting the tragedies of war, has been praised by Frederica von Stade and Ned Rorem as "very beautiful," and has been featured on WGBH Boston, WBAI New York, and WHJJ Providence.

Since 2020, Claire has been exploring new artistic avenues by creating films that utilise her operatic voice to express her concepts. These films address crucial contemporary issues, merging music with visual art to convey powerful messages.

In addition to her artistic endeavours, Claire is deeply committed to advocacy. She co-founded 5G Free RI and serves as the chief citizen lobbyist for the Clean Atmosphere Act, a legislative effort aimed at banning the harmful aerosol spraying of chemicals.

As a voice-over artist, Claire brings a wealth of experience, excelling in delivering performances with a classical, neutral American accent, as well as German-accented English and proficient pronunciation in German, Italian, and French. Her sophisticated and versatile vocal skills allow her to navigate complex pharmaceutical names and adjust her inflection, tempo, and pitch to meet directors' specific needs.

Claire Stadtmueller's multifaceted career and unwavering dedication to her art and advocacy continue to inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide.

You can reach Claire on LinkedIn here and visit her singer and voiceover websites.

You can reach her via email here.


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Chief Culture Vulture

Arts & Culture Network

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